The Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, “fights for his life” in a “very complicated” operation at the Roosevelt Hospital in Banská Bystrica, after being shot five times this Wednesday in an attack in the city of Handlová, according to the Minister of Defense, Robert Kaliniak. The attacker would be a 71-year-old man named Juraj Cingula.
>>> More about the fact: Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, in critical condition after shooting attack
“His condition is extremely serious,” added Kalinak in an appearance before the press in which he indicated that the intervention had already lasted three and a half hours.
Kalinak described the intervention as “very complicated” and added: “We all pray that the prime minister’s good constitution and modern medicine will do their job.”
Fico suffered “polytrauma,” which affects two or more organs or produces at least one life-threatening wound, after being shot five times, and the politician continues “fighting for his life,” according to the headline. Defending.
“There is no doubt that it was an attack with political background,” added Kalinak, who places the attack in the context of “an inability to accept the will of society.”
Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok also previously stressed that the attacker shot with “a clear political motivation.”
“I want to ask public opinion, journalists and all politicians to stop spreading hatred,” the minister requested.
The country, very polarized, has seen massive protests in recent weeks against controversial decisions of the left-nationalist and far-right Government, such as the closure of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, which was investigating members of Fico’s party, and the plans to close the public radio and television station RTVS. .
This Wednesday, precisely, the RTVS abolition bill, harshly criticized by the opposition, was debated in parliament.
“I do not agree with the government’s policy. The RTVS is being attacked and many people are resigning,” the alleged shooter, Juraj Cingula, 71, told the TA3 network. when he was taken to the police station to testify.
The leader of the opposition, the progressive Michal Simecka, has condemned the attack and canceled all public events, such as the protest in Bratislava against the RTVS bill, and the campaign for the European elections.
Fico, 59, who has governed since last October and is politically close to the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, He is a very controversial and polarizing figure in Slovakia.
Fico’s controversial measures are seen by the opposition as an attempt to consolidate his power, limit judicial independence and restrict press freedom.
Parliament is also processing a law on NGOs – so that they reveal whether they receive foreign funding – which the opposition compares to similar regulations existing in Russia and Hungary.
>>> See more: Attack against Prime Minister of Slovakia: shocking images of the minutes of terror
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/atentado-al-primer-ministro-de-eslovaquia-quien-es-el-principal-sospechoso-del-ataque-cb20