“HToday, we secured the release of two Americans taken hostage by Hamas during the horrific terrorist attack against Israel on October 7th. Our fellow citizens have endured a terrible ordeal these past 14 days, and I am delighted that they will soon be reunited with their families, who have been devastated by fear,” Biden said in an official statement from the White House.

The now freed hostages and their families “will have the full support of the United States Government as they recover and heal”, assured Biden, calling for respect for the privacy of these citizens.

The head of state indicated that, from the outset, his executive has “worked uninterruptedly to release the American citizens who were taken hostage” by the Islamist group and will not give up until the remaining detainees are returned to their families.

“As President, I have no higher priority than the safety of Americans held hostage around the world,” he stressed.

Joe Biden also thanked the Governments of Qatar and Israel “for their partnership in this work”.

The spokesman for the Al-Qassem Brigades, Abu Obeida, today announced the release of two American hostages for “humanitarian reasons”, following mediation from Qatar.

The freed hostages are a mother and daughter, the spokesperson said on his account on the digital platform Telegram, whose group is the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, which carried out a surprise attack on Israel on October 7, killing more than 1,400 people. , mostly civilians, and capturing 203, who they took hostage to the Gaza Strip, where they have been in power since 2007.

According to Obeida, this gesture was decided to “demonstrate to the American people and the world that the statements made by the [Presidente dos Estados Unidos, Joe] Biden and his fascist government are false and unfounded.”

The Israeli authorities have already officially confirmed the release of the two kidnapped women, whose identities the Al-Qassem Brigades have not revealed.

However, a Hamas source cited by the Spanish news agency EFE indicated that the hostages are Judith and Natalie Raanan, from Evanston, on the outskirts of the city of Chicago, in the US state of Illinois.

The source stated that Hamas coordinated with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) the handover of the two hostages to that organization and that it ensured that both reached Israeli territory.

[Notícia atualizada às 21h59]

Read Also: Family members of Hamas hostages welcome the release of American women

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2424340/biden-muito-feliz-apos-libertacao-de-dois-refens-norte-americanos

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