“AND It is an honor for us to join the President [Joe Biden] on the recommendation of Vice President Kamala Harris [como candidata democrata] and we will do everything in our power to support her,” the Clintons said in a statement.

“We have seen many ups and downs, but nothing has made us more worried about our country than the possibility of a second term. [de Donald] Trump”, the Republican candidate, the Clintons say. Bill Clinton thus becomes the first former Democratic president to endorse Harris in the race for the White House.

Trump “has promised to be a dictator since day one, and the recent decision by his servile Supreme Court will only encourage him to further destroy the Constitution,” so “now is the time to support Kamala Harris and fight with everything we have to elect her,” write Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Biden “concluded his extraordinary career of service with a presidency that led the United States out of unprecedented times, created millions of new jobs, rebuilt a shattered economy, strengthened our democracy, and restored our standing in the world,” the couple said, praising Barack Obama’s former vice president.

The current President has sought “to build a more perfect union and his own stated goal of restoring the soul of our nation,” they add.

Joe Biden announced today that he is giving up his re-election campaign and that he is endorsing Kamala Harris as a possible successor after weeks of internal pressure to drop out of the race.

“I believe it is in the best interest of my party and country that I step aside and focus solely on serving as President for the remainder of my term,” the Democratic politician said in a public statement.

The 81-year-old White House leader, whose health has been questioned, said he would explain his decision later in a speech to the nation.

The US leader said he had had “the greatest honor” of his life in the role he held for nearly four years and that he intended to run again.

However, Biden bowed to pressure from within his own party after his poor performance in the first televised debate last June in his race for the White House against Donald Trump.

Throughout the debate, Biden appeared absent several times and made mistakes and hesitations in his speech, leading to increased doubts about his suitability for a second term and causing his opponent to once again take off in the polls.

Shortly after announcing his withdrawal, the US President declared his “full support and recommendation” for his vice president, Kamala Harris, as the Democratic Party candidate.

“My first decision as the party’s nominee in 2020 was to choose Kamala Harris as my vice president. And it has been the best decision I have made. Today I want to give my full support and recommendation to Kamala to be our party’s nominee this year,” reads a message from Biden posted on social media.

Trump maintains a three percentage point lead over Joe Biden, just over three months before the presidential election, according to a compilation of the latest polls released today.

[Notícia atualizada às 20h53]

Read Also: Vice President Kamala Harris, the new favorite for the Democratic nomination

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2602094/bill-e-hillary-clinton-apoiam-candidatura-presidencial-de-kamala-harris

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