A Comptroller General of the Union (CGU), the Brazilian federal government body responsible for defending public assets, transparency and combating corruption, concluded, on Thursday, that a vaccination record for Jair Bolsonaro, dated July 2021, is false.

According to the G1 website, the registration was made at a Basic Health Unit in São Paulo, but investigations do not indicate who is responsible for the forgery.

The conclusions of the investigation will now be forwarded to the authorities of the State and municipality of São Paulo.

It should be noted that the case is also being investigated by the Federal Police and the first suspicions emerged last year.

The CGU understands that the false registration was not made directly by the Ministry of Health system, but rather by the São Paulo State Department of Health system, and contains a dose of the vaccine manufactured by Janssen.

On the date of registration, July 19, 2021, Bolsonaro was not in São Paulo, according to his official schedule. Furthermore, another issue raised by the investigations is the fact that, at that time, the health unit in question only had doses of vaccines from Coronavac and Astrazeneca. Everyone interviewed stated that the former president was never there.

The CGU also found two other vaccination records in the name of Jair Bolsonaro, from August 13 and October 14, 2022, in Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, but they were canceled due to “error”.

Furthermore, the CGU also did not find the registration made in the Baixada Fluminense region on the specific dates of the two vaccinations that appeared on Bolsonaro’s vaccination card. This case was investigated by the Federal Police at the beginning of 2023 and pointed to Mauro Cid, Bolsonaro’s former assistant, as the center of the scheme.

At the time, remember, the former president of Brazil denied that the data on his vaccination card had been altered and said: “I didn’t take the vaccine, period, I never denied that.”

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2483796/registo-de-vacinacao-de-bolsonaro-contra-covid-e-falso-conclui-cgu

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