Chilean President Gabriel Boric said on Thursday, August 22, 2024, that the ruling by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela confirming the victory of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro “finally consolidates the fraud” in the July 28 elections.

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Today the Venezuelan Supreme Court finishes consolidating the fraudThe Maduro regime obviously welcomes his sentence, which will be marked by infamy. There is no doubt that we are facing a dictatorship that falsifies elections, represses those who think differently and is indifferent to the largest exile in the world. “only comparable to that of Syria as a result of a war,” Boric said via social network X.

Venezuela’s Supreme Court on Thursday confirmed the official results of the July 28 election, which gave victory to Nicolás Maduro, a move that has been accused of being fraudulent inside and outside the country.

“I have looked into the eyes of thousands of Venezuelans who are calling for democracy in their homeland and who today are being slammed with another blow. Chile does not recognize this false self-proclaimed victory of Maduro and company. Surely, for our position we will receive (as usual) insults from their authorities. They do not know that as Huidobro said ‘the adjective when it does not give life, it kills’, and They have murdered the word democracy“, he stressed.

What else did Boric say about “the dictatorship of Venezuela”?

Boric stressed that “the dictatorship in Venezuela is not the left. A deeply democratic continental left that respects human rights regardless of the color of those who violate them is possible and necessary.“A transformative progressivism that improves the living conditions of its people by building community instead of individualism, a meeting over polarization. That is where we are heading in Chile.”

The validation of this result was widely questioned by the Venezuelan opposition, in particular by the standard-bearer of the main opposition coalition, Edmundo González Urrutia, who pointed out that “no ruling will replace popular sovereignty.”

Since the elections of July 28 in Venezuela, Boric has emphasized the need to know the totality of the electoral records, both from independent international observers and from the opposition, which the National Electoral Council has not yet released in a disaggregated manner.

The Chavista leader obtained 51.20% of the votes (5,150,092 votes), compared to 44.2% of the votes for González Urrutia (4,445,978 votes), according to the results of the CNE.

Starting on January 10, the date on which the new mandate begins, Maduro will assume his third term in office for a six-year term at the head of the country, governed by Chavismo for 25 years.

Since coming to power in March 2022, Boric has been one of the harshest voices in the region against President Maduro, a stance that has set him apart from other progressive leaders, such as Brazil’s Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva or Colombia’s Gustavo Petro.

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