Firefighters completed this Saturday the rescue of the bodies of the 62 victims of the accident of the plane that crashed on Friday in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, of which the first two have already been identified, official sources reported.

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The rescue work was completed at 18:30 local time (21:30 GMT) on Saturday, almost 30 hours after the Voepass airline plane went into a tailspin in a residential condominium in Vinhedo, a city in the interior of the state of São Paulo (southeast).

“The work of rescuing the bodies, which was the most urgent part, has been completed thanks to the combined efforts of several entities that participated in the tasks,” said the spokesperson for the Fire Department, Lieutenant Olivia Perroni, in a press conference she gave at the site near the tragedy.

The official added that 34 male and 28 female bodies were removed from the rubble, including those of two minorswhich correspond to the 62 occupants of the aircraft (58 passengers and 4 crew members) according to the list released by Voepass.

The lieutenant also said that 50 bodies have already been transferred to the Institute of Forensic Medicine in São Paulo, where 30 have already undergone the respective autopsy and identification work is underway.

Which victims have been identified?

According to firefighters, So far, two of the victims have been identified, the pilot and the co-pilot.through fingerprint examinations.

Perroni assured that Firefighters had difficulty rescuing the last bodies, which were in the rear of the aircraft.since this was the one that was most destroyed by the impact and by the fire that occurred after hitting the ground.

According to firefighters, the bodies that were in the front can be identified by fingerprint tests, but Those at the rear, which were burned, will require other types of techniques, including genetic comparison.

Fire Capt. Michael Cristo said the bodies were found sitting in the seats they occupied on the plane, and none had been thrown from the aircraft, which could help with identification.

Around 250 firefighters, rescue workers, experts, police officers and investigators are working on the rescue work, which will continue on Sunday with the removal of debris and the gathering of evidence for the investigation.

The airline Voepass released a statement on Saturday morning to include a man on the list of victims who did not initially appear due to failures in the check-in validation, with which confirmed that there were 62 victims.

And in the afternoon he released another statement to clarify that There were three Venezuelans and one Portuguese on the passenger list. who used Brazilian documents to board, but who have dual nationality.

The Venezuelan victims were identified as Josgleidys González; her mother, María Parra, and her son, Joslan Pérez, the latter aged 4.who embarked for São Paulo with the intention of returning to their country after four years in Brazil.

The crashed plane, a French-made twin-engine ATR-72-500, was flying from Cascavel to São Paulo and crashed about 80 kilometres from its destination.

Despite landing in a residential area, the aircraft crashed in the backyards of a housing complex without damaging any buildings or leaving any victims on the ground.

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