What was supposed to be the happiest day of a woman’s life in Spain ended in a real tragedy after, During her wedding night, her wedding dress ended up engulfed in flames. The victim remains hospitalized in an ICU with burns over much of his body.

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How is the bride?

According to the Málaga Hoy news, The victim is a 30-year-old foreign woman who ended up with burns on 70% of her body. after her wedding dress caught fire, apparently from a candle.

Due to her delicate state of health, the newlywed had to be admitted to the intensive care unit of the Regional Hospital of Malaga, where She underwent surgery.

The purpose was to remove the burned skin to prevent the severe burns from affecting circulation in the legs,” the Spanish media highlighted.

In order to treat her wounds, the woman will have to be taken to another specialized care center where they can put some kind of grafts, natural or artificial, in the body.

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What should I do if the clothes I’m wearing catch fire?

If the clothes you are wearing catch fire, stay calm and Extinguish the flames by hitting them with your hand or rolling on the ground.

If it is safe, remove the clothing; if it is stuck to the skin, cut around it. Then cool the burn with water for 10-20 minutes and cover the area with a clean cloth.

Seek medical attention if burns are severe. and avoid applying ice or home remedies without consulting a professional.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/novia-sufrio-graves-quemaduras-tras-incendiarse-su-vestido-durante-noche-de-bodas-rg10

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