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Suggested video What products are in season in August?

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When summer sets in, many fruits and vegetables resurface on the shelves of market gardeners and supermarkets. But did you know that this seasonality does not only concern this type of food? Indeed, even if we find them all year round in stores, the flavors of certain ingredients are at their peak during the summer period. This is particularly the case with Reblochon. This one is considered in its peak season between May and September. So to take full advantage of it, we suggest you sublimate it in the form of a savory tart. This recipe is a preparation imagined by Chef Christophe for 750gand the latter chose to garnish it with mustard and very fresh tomatoes. A real treat! “It changes”says our culinary expert. This dish is ideal for enjoying the last days of summer in a very gourmet and balanced way.


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