UA car crashed, on Sunday night, into a van belonging to US President Joe Biden’s motorcade. Elements of Biden’s security team were traveling in the SUV.

According to Reuters, the American president and his wife, Jill Biden, had just left the campaign headquarters in Delaware when the collision occurred.

The couple had been there for a dinner with the team responsible for Joe Biden’s campaign for the US elections, according to a White House report.

The accident occurred just moments after Joe Biden was answering questions from journalists, outside his campaign headquarters. Biden and his wife were immediately removed from the scene and returned safely to their home in Wilmington after the incident, a witness said.

The car that crashed into Biden’s motorcade SUV suffered bumper damage and was quickly surrounded by security agents. The agents cornered the car and pointed guns at the driver, who raised his hands.

You can see some images in the gallery above.

Read Also: White House defends Biden saying there is no evidence for his impeachment

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