In the world of cheeses, few are as intriguing and controversial as casu marzu. Originally from Sardinia, Italy, it is distinguished by its unusual ripening which it is intentionally infested with live larvae of a fly called Piophila casei.

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Classified as The most dangerous cheese in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records in 2009casu marzu challenges food safety standards and culinary expectations, presenting a dining experience that is as risky as it is fascinating.

Characteristics of casu marzu cheese

He March case It is a cheese that stands out for its uniqueness and extreme production methods. This sheep’s cheese, originally from Sardinia, is characterised by the following particularities:

  • Ripening process: he March case It starts out as a traditional sheep’s cheese, but during its maturation it is allowed to become infested with live fly larvae. Casei pyrophilaThe larvae, which are introduced intentionally, break down the cheese, giving it a distinctive texture.
  • Texture: Once the cheese has been infested with the larvae, its texture changes considerably. March case It becomes extremely soft and creamy, almost liquid inside, which distinguishes it from other aged cheeses.
  • Flavor: the taste of March case It is intense and complex, with fermented notes resulting from the decomposition process. This strong flavour is a reflection of the unconventional method of maturation.
  • Appearance: The surface of the cheese may be dotted with live larvae, which can often be observed moving around. This visual feature is one of the reasons why the March case It is considered an extreme delicacy.

How is it made?

The process is fairly simple, but the consequences are surprising. Once the cheese is partially cured, it is placed in a warm, humid place to attract flies. They lay their eggs and the larvae that hatch begin to feed on the fat in the cheese, creating a unique fermentation process.

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Casu marzu cheese is a food that arouses mixed feelings: while some consider it a delicacy, others find it repulsive. Local residents are the main consumers. In Sardinia, cheese is valued as a traditional delicacy that is part of the local gastronomic culture. It is served at festivals, celebrations and family gatherings, keeping the culinary traditions of the region alive.

Can you get casu marzu cheese in Colombia?

Casu marzu is a very controversial cheese and is banned in many countries due to the health risks associated with its consumption. In Colombia, it is not legally available for sale due to food safety regulations. However, some people are said to obtain it through the black market or illegal imports.which is not recommended due to the associated risks.


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