Last Sunday, June 2, 2024, Claudia Sheinbaum became the first woman elected president of Mexico after obtaining between 58.3% and 60.7% of the votes in the recent electionsaccording to the quick count of the National Electoral Institute (INE).

>>> Who is Claudia Sheinbaum, the first woman to win the Presidency of Mexico?

The INE quick count is a first formal count based on a representative statistical sample of 5,651 voting centers, with a confidence level of 95%. These results are preliminary and are subject to confirmation by district counts that will begin on June 5.

Despite this victory, the president of the INE, Guadalupe Taddei emphasized that both the results of the quick count and those of the Preliminary Electoral Results Program (PREP) They are preliminary and should be confirmed in the coming days.

What have been the political positions that Claudia Sheinbaum has held?

Graduate in Physics from the Faculty of Science of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Pardo completed a four-year research stay at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, linked to the University of California at Berkeley.

Years later, Claudia Sheinbaum He began his political career during his university education, as a member of the UNAM University Student Council, a group of students who opposed the privatization of education. This movement would become the founding youth arm of the PRD, a party in which he coincided with the current president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).

>>> President Petro described Claudia Sheinbaum’s victory as “a triumph” for Mexico

In 2000, AMLO, then head of Government of the Federal District, offered Sheinbaum her first position in public administration as Secretary of the Environment. In this role, he led projects related to the use of solar energy and completed the project for the second floors of Periférico.

In 2006, she left her position as Secretary of the Environment to become spokesperson for AMLO’s first presidential campaign. After not winning the election, Sheinbaum was appointed incumbent of the Secretariat of Defense of the National Heritage of the “Legitimate Government” headed by López Obrador.

In 2008, he participated in the movement in defense of oil known as “las adelitas”, organizing women’s brigades in support of López Obrador. In 2011, she was one of the founders of Morena as a Civil Association.

In 2015, Claudia Sheinbaum was elected head of the delegation in Tlalpan for Morena, position that he left in December 2017 after winning the internal party poll for the candidacy for Head of Government from Mexico City, which he won in 2018.

On December 5, 2018, he assumed the Head of Government of Mexico City, position from which he separated on June 16, 2023, with the approval of the local Congressto participate in the survey that will define Morena’s presidential candidate for 2024.

Claudia Sheinbaum will assume the Presidency of Mexico on October 1, succeeding Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Her administration will focus on continuing with the principles and policies of the Fourth Transformation, the central axis of the AMLO government.

With a solid academic background and extensive experience in public administration, Sheinbaum is positioned as a key figure for the future of Mexico.


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