Through a press release, the Foreign Ministers of Colombia, Brazil and Mexico stressed the importance of the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Venezuela publish the results of that country’s presidential elections, broken down by polling station.

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The document indicates that there was a virtual meeting between officials from the three countries on August 7, 2024, in which they discussed the situation in Venezuela and defined that “The CNE is the body that is legally responsible for the transparent dissemination of election results.”

The three governments reiterate “the call to the country’s political and social actors to exercise maximum caution and moderation in demonstrations and public events and the country’s security forces to ensure the full exercise of this democratic right within the limits of the law.”

Respect for “the sovereignty and will of the people”

Expressing respect for “the sovereignty and will of the Venezuelan people,” they said that joint dialogues will continue to seek solutions.

“They will continue high-level talks, and emphasize their conviction and confidence that solutions to the current situation must emerge from Venezuela. In that sense, They reiterate their willingness to support efforts for dialogue and the search for understandings that contribute to political stability and democracy in the country,” the document concludes.

Venezuela’s National Electoral Council (CNE) declared Nicolás Maduro’s victory after the July 28 elections, but has not published the electoral records certifying his victory, as required by law.

Meanwhile, the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), the main opposition coalition that had Edmundo González as its presidential candidate, released 81% of the votes, which show, according to anti-Chavez supporters, that their candidate won by a wide margin, sparking protests in the country that have already left more than 20 dead and more than 2,400 arrested.

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