In the heart of the 18th arrondissement of Paris, no one knows him as Juan David, for the neighbors he is “the man of the sausages”.

“The chorizo ​​man was born out of the need to work and it is a business that emerged here in Paris. The name came about because one day I was saying ‘How do I keep a person who will sell me chorizo?“Well, like the man of the chorizos”David said.

From lawyer to “man of chorizos” in Paris

He went from being a lawyer to studying cooking and became a France looking for a new life.

“At a certain point in my life I realized that what I was doing It didn’t make me happy and I decided to work on it“I underwent a professional reconversion, I studied cooking in Argentina and today I am selling chorizos and Colombian products in Paris,” he said.

He conquered hearts with his preparations and, like the name of the establishment, fills those who visit it with joy.

“I came to bring a gift to my daughter-in-law who is from Colombia and lives in the Pyrenees and she told me that, the next time I came, I should bring her chorizos,” said Christina, one of the clients of the place.

The products sold by “the man of chorizos”

Tamales, empanadas, pandebonos and the famous chorizos are part of the menu, which is also famous on social media.

Like many Colombians, July Posso came to the place through social media. “His story is very, very nice, and he is a total entrepreneur, an example to follow and we wanted to try the delicious chorizos,” he said.

But one of its best facets is not on the menu: helping the community. It also recognises their ability to act with those who need it most.


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