The curly truffle is very versatile and practical. It is also a champion in commercialization.
Dough Ingredients
- 250 grams of white chocolate
- 100 grams of cream∗
- 3 tablespoons of powdered milk
- 50 grams of sliced almonds (optional)
- 4 drops of almond essence (optional)
Topping and Decoration Ingredients
- 200 grams of white chocolate flavored topping
- 150 grams of sliced almonds (optional
Dough Preparation Method
- Melt the white chocolate and stir until it cools.
- Add by mixing the cream, essence, almonds and powdered milk.
- Mix well and refrigerate until the dough is firm enough to be shaped.
- Shape into balls and set aside.
Coverage Preparation Method
- Put some frosting on the palm of your hand and a truffle.
- Make movements as if you were shaping the truffle again.
- Quickly wrap the truffle in the sliced almonds, as the coating dries in just a few seconds.
Mom Tips
∗ Sour cream must be 20% fat or more.
The curly truffle (decoration) can be made with almond slices, rice flakes, oats, etc.
Source: https://www.receitasdemae.com.br/receitas/trufa-crespa/