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After revisiting numerous recipes from the Italian peninsula, Cyril Lignac tackles one of the culinary emblems of the island of Cyprus: halloumia cheese which consists of a mixture of sheep and goat’s milk, “very light, very good for health”, as the chef explains on the airwaves of RTL. To satisfy the taste buds of listeners, the headliner of Tous en Cuisine imagined a dish “a little sweet/salty but still a winter vegetable”. Indeed, Cyril Lignac chose to work with halloumi by accompanying it with a little honey and pumpkin. A suitable vegetable that is both mild and slightly sweet and goes perfectly with the salty and spicy flavors of this cheese that everyone appreciates. And to bring freshness and character to the dish, the chef offers a sauce based on tahini and harissa. Shall we go to the kitchen?


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