Suggested video What products are in season in December?
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In soup, salad or braised, cauliflower lends itself to multiple preparations. Problem is, it is sometimes unloved served as is. What if you prepared it as a gratin, not with a béchamel sauce, but rather “tartiflette style”? An ultra-gourmet recipe that deliciously combines cauliflower, potatoes, bacon and reblochon. Here’s something to comfort you at dinner time!
Rather than boiling the cauliflower and potatoes, you can also steam them, which will better preserve the vitamins and flavor of the vegetables.
Don’t have any bacon? Replace it with bacon, which you can brown beforehand in a dry pan, to avoid excess fat!
Reblochon (labeled AOP) can be dairy or farm. As its name suggests, farmhouse Reblochon is made on the farm, with milk coming from a single herd. It can be recognized by its green casein pastille affixed to the cheese.
Softer, dairy reblochon is made with milk from several farms and produced in “fruitières” (cheese factories). It is recognizable by its red sticker. Both are made in the AOP production area, with milk from authorized breeds of cows and fed a natural diet.