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Do you know soda bread? Very similar to the bread we usually eat in France, this preparation has a notable difference. Here, it is the baking soda which acts as yeast… Combined with the fermented milk (or buttermilk) this will create a reaction which will make the dough rise. And the least we can say is that it is terribly effective. See for yourself !

Preparation time: 10 mins

Cooking time: 35 mins

  1. In a large salad bowl, pour the flours, bicarbonate and salt. Mix with a wooden spoon before adding the previously melted butter, the fermented milk and the honey. Mix again before kneading with your hands.
  2. Sprinkle a little flour on your work surface and place the dough on it. Knead a little more then form a pretty ball. Place it on a baking tray covered with baking paper, make a cross on the top using a sharp knife and bake at 200° for 30 to 35 minutes.
  3. Once ready, you can enjoy your bread while still warm with a good spoonful of vegetable terrine, peanut butter or pistachio paste. A delight!

The good news is that if you don’t have fermented milk or buttermilk on hand (it’s also called buttermilk in Quebec) you can easily make it with just 2 ingredients: milk and lemon juice. . Simply mix one tablespoon of lemon juice for 250 ml of milk. Wait 15 minutes and you should get a thicker, slightly grainy milk as it begins to curdle.

As with the classic baguette and sourdough bread, soda bread changes shape and flavors according to your desires. Dried fruits, spices, flax, poppy or squash seeds, everything is possible to enhance it!


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