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Suggested video 12 recipe ideas to prepare in September!

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Freezing is a method of preservation that is part of our daily lives and is very practical for organizing our menus and avoiding food waste. But be careful because although this option is very popular, Food products cannot be stored there for too longThis is particularly the case with meat.

You may not have known this, but meat is a fragile commodity. And yes, like many other foods, it is important to pay close attention to how you store it. With soaring food prices, more and more of us are opting to buy meat in bulk or even short dates and anti-waste baskets to save money. We freeze the surplus for later, it is a practical solution.

Even in the freezer. Raw meats cannot be stored indefinitely. It is recommended to keep them for a maximum of about 8 months. For those frozen the day before or on the day of the expiration date, it is even advisable to eat them much more quickly (within 2 months).

Make a note of the date you put it in your freezer, after this time the texture of the meat will change. This may then be less tender and less tasty. Another point to consider: the proliferation of bacteria. Despite freezing, the latter continues. If your meat is stored for too long, it is therefore possible to become poisoned. To avoid any health risk, wrap your pieces of meat correctly to reduce the formation of ice crystals. Also remember to put the meat in the right drawer, usually the top one. Remember to check this point on the instructions for your freezer.

Apart from meat, all foods should not be stored in the freezer for too long. Each has a maximum period that must be respected. Fruits and vegetables that are frozen at home can be kept for up to 12 months. Bread and pastries can also be kept for a whole year without any problem. For ice creams, as they contain dairy products or even egg, it is recommended to consume them within 6 months maximum.

As a reminder, if you have any doubts about whether the cold chain is being maintained or if your freezer has suffered a long power outage, it is best to throw away the food to avoid any risk of food poisoning.


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