Follow you to delight another wonderful recipe that I make when you have a birthday because it yields an oval pyrex full.
Despite many ingredients and layers is very easy and imagine the delight that is this wonderful recipe!

By mother/dora recipes


  • 1 Pack of Traditional Hills
  • 4 tablespoons chocolate
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 1 grated coconut package
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 3 egg whites
  • 3 tablespoons of cornstarch (cornstarch)
  • 1 spoon (dessert) of vanilla essence
  • 1 can of sour cream
  • 6 tablespoons shallow sugar

Preparation mode

1st layer

  1. Prepare a large pyrex.
  2. Reserve 1 cup of cornmeal for decoration.
  3. In a thick bottom pan, put the chocolate, sugar and cornflakes.
  4. Bring to low heat, stirring slowly without stopping for about 15 minutes. The right point is when it begins to melt the sugar with the chocolate and they involve the cornflakes and don’t be alarmed to smell burned; This is the point.
  5. Turn off the heat and spread with the spoon quickly throughout the bottom of the pyrex (this is very crispy).
Dora's Corn Pie Recipe - Pavecircdesucrilhadora2_ZPS8F2F9709
By mother/dora recipes

2nd layer

  1. Open the can of condensed milk being a hole on each side.
  2. Pour quickly into wire, a little on the cornmeal.
  3. It gives about 1 centimeter or 1 finger about the can.

3rd Layer

  1. Moisturize the grated coconut with 4 tablespoons of hot water.
  2. On top of the girl milk, spread all the grated coconut.

4th layer

  1. In a thick bottom, put what’s left of condensed milk, milk, egg yolks, cornstarch, vanilla and mix well.
  2. Bring to low heat, stirring constantly so as not to jump.
  3. After boiling, cook for about 5 minutes over medium heat. Always moving so as not to burn the bottom.
  4. Pour carefully with the aid of a shell, the still hot pudding on top of the grated coconut.

5th layer

  1. Beat the egg whites, add the 6 tablespoons of sugar.
  2. When you get a sigh point, gently add the cream with the serum.
  3. Put on the pudding and take to freeze at least 4 hours.
Dora's Corn Pie Recipe - Pavecircdesucrilhosdora_ZPS92BF3B57
By mother/dora recipes

Dora Tips

Use large oval pyrex, you don’t have to grease.

At the time of serving decorate with the reserved cornmeal.

Sift the egg yolks.

The Pack of Package is 200 grams.

I used as chocolate the Nescau.

The grated coconut package is 100 grams.

Condensed milk and milk cream I used Nestlé.

Mother Tips

Revenue kindly sent by Dora.

If you prefer, you can freeze; Remove half an hour before serving.

See also, another recipe that she sent Dora Bold Chocolate Cake


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