Who helps Papua New Guinea? This is what its inhabitants ask themselves, as well as the Government that requests international assistance in the face of atragedy that has buried a town in the north of the country.

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Papua New Guinea is located in Oceania, the smallest and least populated continent on Earth.

Part of Mount Mongalo collapsed last Friday, May 24, 2024, burying numerous houses at 3:00 am while its inhabitants were sleeping, which illustrates very well the magnitude of the catastrophe.

Papua New Guinea authorities They estimate that about 2,000 people were buried by the avalanche.

“Four members of my family are buried alive and under the rubble. Their bodies cannot recover and I am really worried”stated Lovelyn Ili, a villager from Enga Province, Papua New Guinea.

And the remoteness of the place does not help in the rescue efforts, as well as the blocked roads.

The UN will meet on May 28, 2024 with several governments to try to coordinate aid.

Meanwhile, residents and rescue teams use shovels and whatever they can to find bodies under the avalanche, which is believed to be up to eight meters deep.

Given the emergency call, the World Health Organization (WHO), Australia, China, the United States, France and Japan have offered their support.

“My wife and two children died because of the landslide and their bodies are still under the rocks. It is very difficult to recover their bodies and I fear that they will not be found. I appeal to anyone who wants to come forward and help us,” said villager Jerry Pakwi.

The immigration agency The UN warned that cracks are appearing in adjacent land, which could trigger a new slide.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/drama-en-papua-nueva-guinea-tras-derrumbe-miembros-de-mi-familia-estan-enterrados-vivos-rg10

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