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Suggested video 12 recipe ideas to prepare in September!

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Sweating is a natural phenomenon that serves to regulate body temperature by evacuating sweat through the pores of the skin. It can be triggered by stress, physical activity, fever, certain medications… or certain foods! And during periods of high heat, you are certainly trying to avoid this type of unpleasant reaction. Here are the foods to be wary of.

So there are certain foods that can make you sweat, without any particular effort. Of course, the effects can vary from one individual to another, depending on their sensitivity and various factors such as the environment, overall health and level of physical activity. According to dietitian Lucy Diamond, clinical director of innovation at Oviva, interviewed by the British newspaper The Sunthese foods are:

Alcohol: “Alcohol dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the skin, which can make you feel warm and trigger sweating.” explains the specialist;

Caffeine tends to increase body temperature and can then cause sweating;

Protein: The body uses energy to break down protein, which can increase body temperature and cause sweating;

Processed foods: The salt in these types of foods can cause water retention. The body tries to deal with this problem by sweating;

Excess sugar: the body then produces a lot of insulin, which can lead to a short period of hypoglycemia. The body then feels a drop in blood sugar, which can lead to sweating;

Onions and garlic: “Vegetables can make your sweat smell different than usual, which can make you feel like you’re sweating more. This is because allium, a chemical found in onions and garlic, is converted by your body into a sulfur compound, which causes the specific odor.”. This particular smell gives the impression of sweating more than usual;

Hot drinks: they increase body temperature and cause sweating;

Spicy foods: Capsaicin, a chemical found in spicy foods, stimulates heat receptors in the body. This increases temperature and causes excessive sweating.

To avoid excessive sweating, it is therefore important to avoid these foods, especially when it is hot. In addition, you should know that some loose clothing made of natural fibers allows you to sweat less. Opt for leather or canvas shoes rather than plastic. Finally, there are antiperspirants, often based on aluminum salt. This blocks the sweat glands, which limits the damage. To limit irritation, use the product on dry skin.


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