A 26-year-old Algerian woman, who was pregnant, gave birth at the University Hospital in the Spanish city of Ceuta after having entered this North African city, bordering Morocco, a few days ago after swimming for five hours.

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According to sources from health and social services who informed the EFE news agency, Young Fátima reached the Ceuta coast a few days ago after jumping into the water from a nearby Moroccan beach, despite being eight months pregnant.

A long journey ended in the hospital

The woman was in the water for about five hours until she was rescued by the Civil Guard, who took her to the hospital due to her condition.

The young woman gave birth to her son Islam in the hospital and currently lives in the Temporary Stay Center for Immigrants (CETI).

Her husband, a Moroccan national, also managed to swim into Ceuta two days after giving birth, although he has not yet been admitted to the CETI, which currently houses some 800 immigrants, despite having capacity for 512 places.

The woman asked the management of the centre to allow her husband access to these facilities so that they could care for the newborn together.

The city of Ceuta is one of the destinations for immigrants who intend to set foot on Spanish soil from Africa. Some do so by sea from a point on the Moroccan coast and others try to cross the border fence between the Spanish city and Morocco, but the reinforcement of security on this land border leads many of these people to try to do so by sea.

The continuous arrival of these people has caused the Temporary Stay Centre for Immigrants (CETI) in Ceuta to be overcrowded.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/mujer-con-8-meses-de-embarazo-dio-a-luz-en-espana-tras-nadar-cinco-horas-desde-marruecos-cb20

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