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Suggested video 12 recipe ideas to prepare in September!

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After his lemon meringue pie with rose, his caramel cream and his Toblerone chocolate fondant, the French’s favorite chef continues to delight gourmets with, this time, a thin apple tart. A delicious and easy-to-make seasonal recipe, which Internet users were quick to comment on.The luxury of simplicity”, “Wow, try it right away”, “Magnificent”, we can read under the video posted on Cyril Lignac’s Instagram account. A real flood of compliments that should make you want to taste this fine tart without further delay!

For the applesauce:

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 25 minutes

As with tomatoes, plums or potatoes, each variety of apple has its own little peculiarity and therefore a very special use. To treat yourself with baked apples, a good homemade compote or a pie, choose the golden, the reinettes du Canada or the Fuji. If you prefer crumble or pie, turn to the Jonagold or the Pink Lady. Finally, your sweet/savory recipes will be enhanced thanks to the Honey Crunch or the Antares!


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