UA plane carrying Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance made an emergency landing on Friday due to a door malfunction.

According to the US press, the problem was detected shortly after the aircraft took off from Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee, in the US state of Wisconsin (where it returned).

“The pilot reported that there was a fault with the door”explained Taylor Van Kirk, a spokesman for the presidential campaign.

According to the person in charge, the problem was resolved quickly, and the planned trip to Cincinnati, in the US state of Ohio, continued.

This is the second time that problems with planes have affected the Republican duo, as last Friday, the 9th, the plane carrying Donald Trump, presidential candidate, was also forced to make an emergency landing. The plane in question diverted to Billings, in the state of Montana, around 230 kilometers from its destination.

An aircraft carrying the former president to a rally in Montana suffered a mechanical problem.

News to the Minute | 23:21 – 09/08/2024

According to The New York Times, JD Vance was traveling with his wife, Usha Vance, members of the Secret Service, journalists and a group of advisers. Also on board the plane was the couple’s dog, Atlas, a German shepherd.

The newspaper – which had a journalist on board the plane – reports that it took just four minutes for problems to begin to emerge: “The pilot asked the passengers, via the intercom, to fasten their seat belts and said that the plane would return to the airport immediately. Secret Service agents on board the plane reacted with confusion and laughter, and some passengers only realized it was an emergency after the plane had landed.writes the publication.

After landing, the pilot apologized for “raising the heart rate.” The plane in question is 22 years old, according to documents seen by The New York Times.

[Notícia atualizada às 23h36]

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