Giron, Santander is in mourning after the death of two women from that municipality who lost their lives in a serious traffic accident in the state of Colorado, United States.
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Among the victims are Mrs. Luz Melba Martínez, a well-known merchant from the El Poblado sector in Girón, her daughter Juliana Plata Martínez, and her son-in-law Rubén Rodríguez, of Mexican nationality.
The merchant He had traveled a few days ago to the United States to attend his daughter’s wedding.
The accident left two people injured
Among the injured left by the accident is also the bride’s father and a 1-year-old child, son of the deceased couple.
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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/familia-santandereana-murio-en-accidente-de-transito-en-ee-uu-un-nino-quedo-huerfano-rg10