An incredible story unfolds around the Bust of Woman Dora Maara painting that a second-hand dealer found in a basement in Capri and which could now be worth up to 12 million euros. According to the Italian newspaper Il Giorno, The canvas, which has been kept by the merchant’s children in a vault in Milan, has undergone a complex graphological examination that confirms the authenticity of Pablo Picasso’s signature.

It took more than 60 years to reach this revelation, a process that began in the 1960s, when an anonymous dealer found the rolled canvas. “He has a potential treasure in his hands but he doesn’t know it,” Il Giorno notes, reflecting the dealer’s ignorance of the work’s real value. For almost half a century, the painting hung in his living room, where he witnessed the meals and dinners of a humble family.

How did they find out?

The story took a turn when the merchant’s eldest son, now an adult, began to investigate. “I talked about it with mom and dad. The urgent need for research began to grow”says the newspaper. This interest led to a chemical analysis of the materials and a comparison with other works by Picasso, confirming that the painting represents Dora Maar, the artist’s muse and lover.

Despite the evidence, the Picasso Foundation has put barriers in the authentication process. “Expert and influential allies are needed”notes the article, highlighting the participation of the Arcadia Foundation and experts such as engineer Maurizio Seracini.

Forensic graphologist Cinzia Altieri confirmed that “the signature that Picasso says is autograph and attributable to the master”which adds an important link in the authentication chain. This analysis, along with other studies, will be presented to the Paris Foundation so that the painting is officially recognized as a work by Picasso.

The conclusion is clear: “The official attribution would increase its commercial value to ten or twelve million euros”concludes The Day, emphasizing that the merchant’s heirs now understand the magnitude of the discovery and thank their father for preserving it for so many years.


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