A The information is contained in an intelligence report obtained by the television station CNN, which released it today.

The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security [DHS, na sigla em Inglês] “remain concerned about the possibility of acts of violence, either in the wake of or in retaliation for, the attempted assassination of July 13, 2024,” according to the document.

Security forces have not yet identified any preparation for an attack, but are on alert because “there are people in some virtual units who have threatened, encouraged or made some kind of reference to acts of violence in response to the assassination attempt.”

The document warns that “political division has provoked violence in the past” and that some radicals “see political and social tensions as an opportunity to use and promote violence for ideological purposes.”

Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old man, shot former President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on July 13 at an outdoor rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, injuring him in the ear.

The investigation did not determine the motive of the shooter, who was shot dead at the time by members of the secret services.

Both Republicans and Democrats criticized the security blunders, which forced the resignation of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle.

The Democratic Convention is expected to draw 50,000 people to Chicago, including prominent politicians such as President Joe Biden, as well as Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

Read Also: Donald Trump agrees to FBI interview on attack

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2612648/fbi-em-alerta-para-eventuais-ataques-a-convencao-democrata

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