For wedding, wedding or simple birthday learn, with all the tips, to prepare a delicious and spectacular look cake!
Almond sponge bread
- 3 tablespoons breadcrumbs
- 125 grams of multiprocessed baked almonds
- 125 grams of multiprocessed Brazil nut
- 6 tablespoons of sugar
- Essence of almonds to taste
Preparation mode
- Prepare 3 25 cm diameter baking sheets, greased with butter or margarine and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Reserve.
- Pre warm the oven at high average temperature.
- In a container, mix the breadcrumbs, almonds and nuts. Reserve.
- In the mixer, beat the egg whites.
- Add an egg yolk and a spoon of sugar, alternately, while beating until it is over.
- Add the essence.
- Place the mixture in the reserved flour container and mix well with the aid of a spoon.
- In each baking sheet, place approximately two dough fingers.
- Bake to bake until golden on the surface and dark on the sides.
Filling ingredients
1st Stuffing – Dulce de leche filling
- 800 grams of firm consistency dulce de leche
- 200 ml of sour cream
Preparation mode
Beat in the mixer, the dulce de leche with the cream enough to mix well.
2nd Stuffing – Damascus Jam
- 300 grams of Argentine apricots
- 300 grams of Turkish apricots
- Sugar to taste
Preparation mode
- Place the apricots in a pan, cover with water up to 2 cm above the apricots.
- Bring to a boil until the apricots are undoing.
- After a little cold, beat in a blender with the water.
- Bring the mixture to the heat, add the sugar and stir without stopping until the jam.
Cake assembly
- After the baked cakes, cut the brunette edges and the parts that grew too much, and then wither, each of the cakes still in the baking sheets.
- The leftover cake, put it on a plate and knead very well with a fork. Add some syrup and apricot jam forming a cream to “make up” the cake.
- Stir until you get a half -dry pirão consistency. Reserve.
- Remove the first cake from the baking sheet and place it on the own cardboard base (see mother tips below the recipe) and drizzle with the syrup to moisten it.
- With the aid of a spoon, spread a generous layer of dulce de leche filling.
- Put the second cake on this first and drizzle with the syrup.
- Spread a good layer of apricot jam and place the third cake.
- With your hands, make a slight pressure on your cakes and arrange them if necessary.
- Drizzle again with the syrup.
- Now you will “make up” the cake with the reserved mixture of cake leftovers.
- With the aid of a spatula, spread a very thin layer of the mixture on the top and sides of the cake.
- Smooth well until it leaves the cake surface uniform.
- Pass a very thin layer of apricot jam all over the cake.
- The cake is prepared to receive the American paste cover.
American paste coverage
- 2 pots of 1.2 kg of industrialized American paste
- 2 tablespoons of hydrogenated vegetable fat
- Icing sugar
Preparation mode
- Spread some vegetable fat on a smooth surface and hands.
- Remove the American paste from the pot and add 1 tablespoon of vegetable fat.
- Knead the folder well until it is very elastic.
- Sprinkle the surface with little icing sugar and open the folder, larger than the cake, with the aid of a roll.
- Should get a maximum of 4mm thick mass.
- With the aid of the roll, wrap the dough and unfold over the cake.
Mother Tips
Yield: This two -story cake serves 50 people.
The cake pasta should be very well beaten.
You can use fillings of your choice but appropriate for cakes covered with American paste.
To ride the cake upstairs, repeat the same recipe as the dough, but divide it into three 15 cm diameter baking sheets.
To water the cake before stuffing it, you can use a syrup made with a sugar measure and four water measurements. Bring to a boil, remove and add almond essence to taste.
A flock cake should be sustained by columns so that it does not sink over the bottom.
Cakes should be on their own plasticized (usually white) cardboard bases also purchased from confectionery products.
The columns may be purchased from confectionery products or can improvise by making the columns with PVC pipe that will then be covered with aluminum foil or plastic wrap. After the columns introduced (cake height) in the first cake; The second cake is placed. Very tall cakes should have a central column in the entire length of the total cake height. In this case, the bases of the cakes should have a central hole.
To replace the ready columns you can make the columns with barbecue sticks: each column, 4 sticks together with crepe tape and well wrapped with plastic wrap. Remembering that you should cut the toothpicks of the cake height and then plasticized introduced into the cake. The columns can also be made with firm cardboard rollers left when our roll of aluminum foil or plastic wrap (also cut and plasticized rollers to use on the cake).
The American folder used was the Arcolor brand.
You can decorate the American paste, after the cake ready, with real icing designs or with paste markers.
For the flowers, see the publication: edible flowers
Source: https://www.receitasdemae.com.br/receitas/bolo-de-dois-andares-com-flores/