Attractive and delicious sweets, check out this brigadeiro suggestion and enrich the party table even more.


  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • ½ tablespoon unsalted butter
  • 50 ml whey-free cream
  • ½ cup (tea) ground walnuts
  • Fondant pronto
  • Gel dyes

Preparation Mode

  1. In a pan, place the first 4 ingredients and place over low heat.
  2. Stir constantly until the candy leaves the pan.
  3. Remove and let cool.
  4. Roll up the sweets and dip them in the fondant prepared according to the instructions on the packaging.
  5. Set them aside to dry.
  6. Serve them in molds suitable for sweets.

Mom Tips

Make small sweets. Roll up the sweets using a coffee spoon. By dipping them in fondant, the sweets will become bigger.

Dye portions of fondant with gel coloring in the desired colors.

Approximate yield of 36 units.


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