The Minister of the Interior and Justice of Venezuela,
Diosdado Haircalled the opposition leader’s announcement “straw” (lie) Edmundo González Urrutia that he will return to the country to be sworn in as president this Friday, after claiming his victory in last July’s elections, of which Nicolas Maduro He was proclaimed the winner by the electoral authority.
(Also read: Minute by minute of the situation in Venezuela three days before the presidential inauguration)
“Forgive me that I should not say this as a minister, but that it’s pure straw“said Cabello during a press conference in which he assured that Venezuela “is at peace” and prepared for the swearing-in for a third consecutive term of Maduro, whose victory has been denounced as a “fraud” by the opposition and has not been recognized by a large part of the international community.
In Cabello’s opinion, “it takes courage” and “disposition, but he pointed out that González Urrutia, who has been in exile in Spain since last September, “has neither courage nor disposition.”
(Also read: Paraguay ratifies support for Edmundo González and gives Venezuelan diplomats 48 hours to leave)
“As soon as he shows a finger in Venezuela he will be arrested” Edmundo González
Likewise, he criticized the tour that González Urrutia began on Saturday through several countries, in search of international support for his announced return to Venezuelan territory to attend his inauguration as president this January 10, a date established by the Constitution and in which Maduro has also anticipated that he will be sworn into office again.
“He January 10 (…), I must assume the role of commander in chief,” González expressed in a video addressed to the Armed Forces, while Machado, opposition leader, called for demonstrations on the 9th.
A statement from the Armed Forces condemned the opponent’s call, stating that “it will not have the slightest impact” in the military ranks. “Don’t be mistaken about us,” warned the text read on state television by the Minister of Defense, General Vladimir Padrino. Maduro celebrated that response on social networks.
“Where did this gentleman go? To Argentina? Are we surprised? No. Argentina is the Government of fascism, fascism is ruling there,” said the head of the Interior, who also referred to the opposition’s visits to the leaders of USA, Joe Biden, and Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, as the meetings between “those who leave and those who do not go.”
(Also read: Nicolás Maduro’s regime condemns Joe Biden’s support for Edmundo González)
In this context, Diosdado Cabello ratified the order against González Urrutia and indicated that “as soon as he shows a finger in Venezuela he will be arrested and accused of all these crimes for which he is accused.”
In addition, he accused the former presidents who intend to accompany González Urrutia of wanting to “assault power” and warned with a “strong response” to those who attempt “acts of violence” or destabilization.
“The response will be according to the action they take. He who kills with iron cannot think that he is going to die with a hat,” stressed the leader of Chavismo, promising that “Venezuela is at peace and will remain at peace.”
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/para-diosdado-cabello-es-paja-que-edmundo-gonzalez-volvera-a-venezuela-para-posesionarse-cb20