A strong summer wind spread the smell of burning in Quito on Wednesday, suffocated by five forest fires that broke out simultaneously, leaving six injured and seven homes damaged by the flames.

>>> See more: At least 100 families have been evacuated due to forest fires in Quito, Ecuador

“Quito is under attack. It is not normal that we have nearly 33 fires during a day, that activation points are generated simultaneously.”Carolina Andrade, the municipality’s security secretary, told reporters.

The ravages of the fire that began on Tuesday persist. In the morning, a haze covered the sky and the stench permeated the interior of some buildings. The victims inspected the remains of their homes.

“I wanted to save something, but we didn’t find anything. We found it just as it is now, in ashes. We lost everything, including clothes. We were left with only this (clothing) stall.”Alexis Condolo, a 23-year-old mechanic who was left homeless, told AFP.

The fire began to burn on Tuesday afternoon on the Auqui hill, in the eastern outskirts, where it is still active. The flames also affected the Guangüiltagua Metropolitan Park (one of the largest in the city) and forests surrounding the residential areas of Guápulo, Bellavista and González Suárez.

How many people have been injured in Quito due to forest fires?

There are “four people injured, two adults and two minors”including a one-year-old baby who suffered burns, Andrade said.

The day before, Mayor Pabel Muñoz reported two firefighters injured while carrying out evacuation tasks.

The emergency prompted President Daniel Noboa to cancel his speech at the UN assembly and return to the country from New York on Tuesday.

Wanted “arsonists” in Quito

The emergency required the deployment of 2,000 firefighters, soldiers and rescue workers. As a precaution, 107 families were evacuated and seven homes were affected.

Because of the smoke, “I had to sleep with a mask and wet wipes on top” of the mask, Claudio Otalima, 82, told AFP.

A gas tank exploded in his home due to the fire and he also lost his crop. “I had planted potatoes. Look how the corn I had planted has burned.”he lamented.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Police are investigating to clarify the events and the authorities suspect that the fires were set by arson and have activated a reward plan to find those responsible.

“We will look for arsonists even under the rocks,” Muñoz said on Wednesday that the fires were caused by “criminals” and “terrorists.”

During the early morning there were fire alerts in other parts of the city, while efforts were concentrated on putting out the largest fire on Auqui Hill, the mayor reported.

The municipality estimates that 99% of these accidents are caused in the capital, with almost three million inhabitants.

Classes were suspended, while municipal and government entities opted to work remotely due to the “poor quality” of the air in Quito.

For three weeks now, forest fires have surrounded the capital.

What is the air like in Quito?

The municipal Department of the Environment reported in a statement that in the center and north of Quito the air quality “has reached precautionary levels”while in areas close to the scourges “the levels of contamination are unhealthy.”

On the streets, residents wear masks to protect themselves.

“We cannot let our guard down or give up”said Muñoz, referring to strong winds and dry vegetation caused by the prolonged absence of rain, factors that could ignite new outbreaks.

“The scourge has been controlled in some critical areas. Above all, priority has been given to those where we had a housing presence,” he noted.

Ecuador is facing forest fires amid a “water crisis” due to its worst drought in 61 years, which has also led to agricultural problems, disruption of drinking water supplies and electricity rationing for up to 12 hours a day. The reservoirs of power plants that cover 70% of national demand are at historically low levels.

The situation has led the government to declare 20 of the 24 provinces on red alert.

Drought has caused 3,300 forest fires this year, with a balance of almost 38,000 hectares of vegetation destroyed, 14 people injured and another 797 affected, according to the Risk Secretariat.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/incendios-forestales-en-quito-no-dan-tregua-hay-olor-a-quemado-en-toda-la-ciudad-cb20

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