Former Argentine President Alberto Fernández (2019-2023) denied the accusations of gender violence and harassment leveled against him by his ex-wife Fabiola Yáñez. He says that he does not “have to tell the newspapers”, but rather “prove it before the courts” and that he will dismantle it in court.

“I continue to say the same thing,” said the former Argentine president in an interview with the Spanish newspaper El País: “I am being accused of something I have not done. I have not hit Fabiola. I have never hit a woman.“I was with the mother of my eldest son for 18 years and with Vilma Ibarra (former Legal and Technical Secretary of his presidency) for 11 years and I have never had an episode of that nature.”

Alberto Fernández says that the four years of living together in Olivos were plagued by fights, but He claims not to remember the day that Yáñez reproached him for having been beating her for three days, nor how the chats and photographs that seem to incriminate him reached his secretary’s phone. private.

Fabiola Yáñez’s abuse “has nothing to do with my blows”

When the complaint of gender violence filed by his ex-wife became known, Fernández denied the facts in a statement and last Thursday night, the Argentine media published two photos in which Fabiola Yáñez can be seen with a blow to the eye and a mark on her arm, as well as chats where she blames him for the blows.

“I have seen the photographs,” said the former president, “it is a case that I know perfectly well how it happened and it has nothing to do with any blows from me. And the other one, it doesn’t have anything to do with my blows either, but I just don’t know how it happened. What I’m going to do is wait to go to court and for the court to resolve it,” he added.

Alberto Fernández repeats that Yáñez’s accusation is false and believes that she reported him because “someone induced her for other purposes.”

“I was president of this country for four years and I promoted gender policies and I know that in cases like this the burden of proof is reversed and the man is presumed guilty and has to prove his innocence. I will prove it,” added the former Argentine leader.

Fernandez denies responsibility for the injuries shown in the photos, but There is a chat where Yanez says that he had hit her the last three nights and her response was: “I have trouble breathing. Please stop. I feel very bad.”. Fernández, when asked if that chat existed, said: “I don’t know, because all the chats from 2022 and 2023 with Fabiola disappeared from my cell phone.”

Despite the accusations, Alberto Fernández did not seem aware that Yáñez could sue him: “I know what personal situation she was in and I don’t want to expose it publicly. To answer that question I would have to tell things that I shouldn’t tell in the media.. I received you to tell you directly that I was not the author of any of these acts.”

He adds during the interview that “when you get angry you say a lot of things and it can be offensive,” and When asked if there was verbal violence, after denying that there was physical violence, she adds: “If that were the case, I also suffered it.”

Throughout the interview, according to El País, Alberto Fernández tried to allude to the violence he was asked about as being a matter of relationship issues or arguments without much relevance, as well as insisting on the idea that, in some way, he is also a victim.

“I admit that there is a presumption of guilt on my part, I accept it, but I ask that I be allowed to prove my innocence“One thing is the presumption of guilt and another is the media lynching that makes one guilty without the possibility of defending oneself. They are two different things,” he says.


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