Former Argentine First Lady Fabiola Yáñez spoke for the first time about the alleged violence she was subjected to by former President Alberto Fernández, who, she said, constantly threatened her with suicide and whom she protected “from so many things he has done,” she confessed.

The 43-year-old actress and journalist made these statements in an exclusive interview in Madrid, where she lives with her 2-year-old son Francisco, given to the Argentine portal Infobae, the first since the complaint she filed with the justice system of her country against the former president (2019-2023) for physical violence and harassment became known.

Yanez stated that Fernández committed numerous infidelities during their relationship; she reported having been mistreated “for five years”; and acknowledged that she lived her last months as first lady, until last December, separated from the then president in the guest house at Quinta de Olivos (presidential residence) and not in another address to avoid “a scandal.”

Fernandez’s ex-partner She was asked about the dissemination of photographs in which she is seen with bruises on various parts of her body.which were leaked to the press this week, originating from the court file.

I was devastated, but I was devastated for my son. I would never have wanted a photo like that to come out of me.“What woman wants to see herself on all the television shows and in the world’s media like this? I don’t understand how the chats were leaked and the photo was saved for the last moment (…) I don’t think there is a woman in the world who wants to see herself like this. There are other causes of violence that are always private,” she said.

However, he acknowledged that all the material disseminated “comes from someone else’s phone,” referring to a secretary of Alberto Fernández whose cell phone is being investigated for a case of alleged corruption that could also affect the former president.

“It was the last thing he did”

Yáñez, who declined to provide further details about the alleged physical abuse out of respect for the legal case, claimed to have suffered “telephone harassment” and “psychological terrorism.”

“This person (Fernández) spent two months – all the chats are there and many people know about it – threatening me every other day that if I did this, if I did that, he would commit suicide. That is not done, that is a crime. How am I going to be there for my son if I have a person telling me those things? Every other day, for two months. But that was the last thing this person did,” she declared.

The former first lady acknowledged that her love story with Alberto Fernández lasted 14 years, but that it was broken in recent times and asserted that this He committed infidelities with several famous women, whom he did not identify.

“I have taken care of this man; I have taken care of him from so many things that he has done, from so many things, that Those videos that appeared the other day are nothing compared to the things he has done.“Yáñez said, referring to the footage allegedly taken by the then president in the Casa Rosada of a well-known radio and television journalist, who appears to be flirting with him, although only his alleged voice-over can be heard.

Yáñez said she had not received help from the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity, created by Fernández in 2019, and She said she had made the decision to report “for all the women who feel they can do nothing and who are victims of this type of violence.” “whether psychological and/or physical, whatever.”

“I have never been a feminist, but violence against women is one of the most reprehensible things that can exist in this world,” she said.

Following the complaint filed on August 6, federal judge Julián Ercolini prohibited Alberto Fernández from leaving Argentina and ordered him not to approach or contact Yáñez in any way.

That day, in a brief statement, the former Argentine president denied the accusations against him and said he would present evidence of their falsehood to the courts.


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