He Former Uruguayan President José Pepe Mujica, 89, was discharged on Friday after spending several days in hospital in a hospital in Montevideo. The former president would have been hospitalized due to digestive problems caused by the treatment he received for esophageal cancerdiagnosed in early May.

During his hospital stay, he underwent a gastrostomy.a procedure that allows feeding the patient through a tube connected directly to the stomach, to ensure adequate nutrition and hydration. This was necessary due to the difficulties Mujica had in eating orally, a complication resulting from the radiotherapy he received in previous months for his cancer.

How are you?

Dr. Raquel Pannone, the former president’s personal physician, reported that Pepe Mujica tolerated the procedure and the feedings provided by the tube well.which significantly improved his general condition. Although he will continue his recovery at home, the former president will continue to eat this way while his esophagus recovers. Once you are able to eat normally again, the tube will be removed.

Pepe Mujica is motivated to move forward in his recovery and although Your doctor did not specify how long this process will take.was optimistic. During his hospitalization, the former president remained lucid and cheerful, even following football from his room.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/expresidente-pepe-mujica-diagnosticado-con-cancer-fue-dado-de-alta-rg10

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