A Russian attack on the city of Kramatorsk in Ukraine, has injured three journalists, of Ukrainian, American and British nationality, who were in a hotel, Ukrainian authorities reported on Sunday, while a fourth Polish reporter suffered minor injuries when her vehicle was hit.

“In the middle of the night, the Russians attacked Kramatorsk. One of the targets in the city was a hotel. “We are aware of two injured people and one person is still buried under the rubble,” Donetsk Governor Vadim Filashkin said on his Telegram channel.

“The three victims are all journalists, citizens of Ukraine, the United States and the United Kingdom,” he added.

In addition to the hotel, an apartment building in the vicinity was damaged, according to Filashkin, who said: Authorities and rescuers are working to remove the rubble and provide assistance to those affected.

Injured and missing people are reported

Reuters news agency reported that one of its six-person teams was staying overnight at the Sapphire Hotel in Kramatorsk, which was targeted in an attack.

“One of our colleagues is missing” and two others have been transferred to a hospital for treatment,” the agency announced.

On the other hand, a Polish journalist from the weekly ‘Tygodnik Powszechny’, Monika Andruszewska, She was also slightly injured when a shell hit the vehicle she was travelling in in Kramatorsk, as she herself reported through her Facebook account.

“This is what anyone, anywhere in Ukraine, can look like, where the Russians have decided to launch a rocket,” she wrote along with a photo showing her with a bloody arm.

Donetsk Governor Filashkin recalled that seven civilians were killed in the region yesterday. -which records the most intense fighting on the front at the moment- as a result of the Russian attacks, five of them in Kostiantinivka, while 15 people were injured.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/cuatro-periodistas-resultan-heridos-en-ataque-ruso-a-kramatorsk-hay-un-desaparecido-cb20

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