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Bread, we know a thousand and one ways to enhance it when it’s a little stale. French toast, pudding or even homemade breadcrumbs, there’s no shortage of ideas! Today, it’s through a summery, gourmet and salty recipe that food critic François-Régis Gaudry takes pleasure in enhancing it. An ideal preparation to treat yourself while resurrecting yesterday’s bread. When we tell you that cooking and anti-waste always go well together…

Born in the south of Vendée, this garnished bread existed even before the invention of bread ovens equipped with thermostats. This recipe is also the result of a bakers’ trick. In order to check the heat of their oven, some of them placed a piece of bread dough on a heated tile. Over time, the barely cooked ball of white bread was garnished with garlic and salted butter. It was then shared in the bakery as a snack. An anti-waste idea that ultimately shaped one of the best aperitif recipes!


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