O agreement includes unique candidacies in each electoral constituency and a Government program.

In a joint statement, the parties noted that the union “has been sealed”, although the name of the candidate for prime minister remains to be announced.

“We have reached a political program of rupture, with a breakdown for the first 100 days of office, concrete and realistic proposals so that the lives of the French people really change”, highlights the statement.

The left-wing alliance is formed by the Socialist Party, the environmentalist EELV, France Insubmissa and the French Communist Party, which on Monday had expressed their intention to set up a new Popular Front, just hours after the French President, Emmanuel Macron, announced the calling of early legislative elections in light of the victory of the extreme right in the European elections on Sunday.

The French Popular Front was a coalition formed in 1935 by several left-wing parties to respond to the expansion of fascism in Europe and which obtained an absolute majority in the 1936 elections for the National Assembly, remaining in power until 1938.

In an interview with the television channel TF1, former socialist President François Hollande argued that “the left has a duty to unite” so that “the extreme right does not come to power”.

For Hollande, the possibility of the extreme right coming to power “creates a danger” for “the image of France and for the proposals that France can make in Europe”.

Read Also: France. Main right-wing party backtracks on dismissal of leader

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2579941/esquerda-francesa-alcanca-acordo-para-formar-nova-frente-popular

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