O The Portuguese diplomat called “again for full transparency and recalls that all citizens have the right to participate in public affairs and no one should be subject to arbitrary arrest or detention,” Guterres’ spokesman Farhan Haq stressed at his daily press conference.

Haq reacted in this way after being asked about the UN’s reaction to the United States’ recognition of opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia as the winner of last Sunday’s elections in Venezuela, a question to which he did not respond.

“We have no comment on the decisions taken bilaterally by other countries,” the spokesperson explained, without making direct reference to this recognition or the protests over the election results called for Saturday across the country by the anti-Chavista movement in Venezuela.

Protests have also been called outside the country, including today in front of the UN headquarters in New York, a city where hundreds of Venezuelans have already demonstrated peacefully during the week.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced on Thursday Washington’s conclusion, based on “overwhelming evidence”, that González Urrutia was the winner of the July 28 presidential elections in the South American country.

On the other hand, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez today rejected what he considered to be US interference in the Venezuelan elections, by recognizing opponent Edmundo González as the winner of the elections.

“We reject US interference in the Venezuelan elections, ignoring [os] official results announced by the electoral authority and ignoring the ongoing legal actions related to this process”, stressed the Cuban minister, on the social network X.

Rodríguez added in his message that “manipulation and interference are part of the recognized policy of that country. [EUA] to destabilize [a] region”.

On Monday, the Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE) proclaimed Maduro President-elect of the country for the period 2025-2031, with 51.2% (5.15 million) of the votes.

The main opposition candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia, obtained 44.2% (just under 4.5 million votes), the CNE indicated.

The Venezuelan opposition claimed victory in the presidential election, with 70% of the vote for Gonzalez Urrutia, with opposition leader María Corina Machado refusing to recognize the official results and presenting her vote count, which represents 80% of the polling stations and shows that Gonzalez Urrutia “received the majority of the votes with an insurmountable margin.”

According to the page resultadosconvzla.com, today, when they claim to have digitized 81.25% of the minutes, Edmundo González has 67% of the votes (7,173,152 votes), against 30% for Maduro (3,250,424).

Read Also: Venezuela. Chile denounces detention and deportation of team of journalists

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2609432/guterres-pede-que-disputas-na-venezuela-se-resolvam-por-meios-pacificos

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