“DWe must urgently combat this scourge, work together to stem the tide of hatred and promote tolerance and respect”stressed the Portuguese diplomat, in a message on the social network X on the occasion of the International Day of Commemoration of Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief, which is celebrated today.

Guterres also called for the creation of “a world where everyone can live free from fear, stigma and persecution”.

The High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, also paid tribute on Wednesday to “people affected by discrimination, intolerance, persecution, hatred, dehumanization or violence” for reasons of religion or belief.

Borrell recalled that “extremism, authoritarianism, terrorism and hatred motivated by conflicts have not yet been eradicated” and stressed that too many people in the world, especially those belonging to religious minorities, face attacks in their communities and see their human rights violated because of their faith.

“We firmly believe in and support the principle that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief and to manifest or change his or her religion or belief, without risk of discrimination, persecution or violence,” the EU diplomacy chief stressed.

The EU condemns the criminalisation of apostasy and the abuse of blasphemy laws when they “violate the right to freedom of religion or belief”, he stressed.

For Brussels, these laws are a “dangerous catalyst for religious hatred” and “incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence”.

Borrell also stressed that all states have an obligation to guarantee the protection of human rights and to exercise “due diligence” to prevent, investigate and punish acts of violence against people for reasons of religion or belief.

Read Also: UN. New Israeli ambassador holds tense meeting with António Guterres

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2619024/guterres-pede-combate-urgente-contra-violencia-religiosa-no-mundo

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