“SWe welcome the Security Council’s resolution and confirm our willingness to work with our brothers, the mediators, to indirectly negotiate the implementation of these principles that coincide with the demands of our people and the resistance”, he said in a statement.

Hamas recalled that the text provides for a permanent ceasefire, the complete withdrawal of Israel from the Gaza Strip, an exchange of hostages for prisoners, a reconstruction plan, the return of displaced people, the entry of humanitarian aid and the rejection of any demographic or border change in the enclave.

The UN Security Council today approved a resolution that welcomes the proposed ceasefire in Gaza announced by Joe Biden and calls on Israel and Hamas to “fully implement its terms, without delay and without conditions”.

The resolution, authored by the United States, received 14 votes in favor and one abstention from Russia.

This is the first Security Council resolution on a ceasefire plan aimed at ending the eight-month war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

On May 31, Biden announced what he described as a new Israeli proposal, calling it “a roadmap for a lasting ceasefire and the release of all hostages” consisting of three phases.

The plan is divided into three phases. The first envisages the holding of Israeli hostages by Palestinian prisoners and a short-term ceasefire. The second proposes “a permanent end to hostilities” and the total withdrawal of Israeli military forces from the Gaza Strip, according to the text of the resolution.

The third and final phase includes a reconstruction plan for the Gaza Strip that is expected to last for several years.

The ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip was triggered by the attack by the Islamist group Hamas on Israeli soil on October 7, 2023, which caused around 1,200 deaths and two hundred hostages, according to Israeli authorities.

Since then, Tel Aviv has launched an offensive in the Gaza Strip that has so far caused more than 36,500 deaths and 82,000 injuries according to Hamas, classified as a “terrorist organization” by Israel, the European Union and the United States.

It is also estimated that 10,000 Palestinians remain buried in the rubble after around eight months of war, which is also triggering a serious humanitarian crisis.

The conflict has also caused nearly two million people to be displaced, plunging the overpopulated and poor Palestinian enclave into a serious humanitarian crisis, with more than 1.1 million people in a “situation of catastrophic hunger” that is claiming victims – “the highest number ever recorded” by the UN in studies on food security in the world.

Also in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, occupied by Israel, at least 510 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces or by settler attacks since October 7.

Read Also: UN Security Council supports Biden’s ceasefire proposal

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2578240/hamas-sauda-adocao-do-plano-de-cessar-fogo-aprovado-na-onu

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