A client was getting her nails done at a hair salon located in Paraná, Argentina, and He decided to flee the place without paying the manicurist for her service, due to their dissatisfaction with the final result. The events occurred around noon, last Tuesday, July 23, 2024.

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The altercation was recorded on the premises’ security cameras and the video quickly went viral. In the images, the woman can be seen trying to leave the establishment without paying.

The manicurist was injured

While the client tried to avoid paying, the manicurist blocked the exit door and He began recording this violent situation with his mobile phone.

The angry client knocked down the cell phone and he attacked her with his fists.

Everything escalated when, taking advantage of the fact that the manager was trying to retrieve her cell phone from the floor, The client continued to hit her with her purse until the victim was unable to defend herself.

Finally, the aggressor He opened the door and left the premises without paying for the service.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/no-le-gusto-como-le-quedaron-las-unas-y-agredio-a-la-manicurista-todo-quedo-en-video-rg10

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