A woman, identified as Ketilly Soares de Souza, was a victim of femicide inside her home located in Río Blanco, capital of the state of Acre, Brazil, apparently, at the hands of a subject who had proposed to her a week before the crime.

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According to the Brazilian media G1, the woman was stabbed more than 10 times and signs of a struggle were identified at the crime scene. The authorities found a fishing knife with which the murder would have been committed.

Commissioner Pedro Paulo Buzolin stated that “we are listening to witnesses, family and friends. They did not report whether she had a conflictive relationship, but we need to listen to everyone to confirm it. “We are looking for the person with whom he had a relationship.”

Furthermore, the uniformed officer said that “Due to the number of wounds found on the victim, everything suggests that the fiancé is the main suspect in the feminicide.”

In a video shared on social networks you can see that the alleged perpetrator, a week before the feminicide, proposed marriage to Souza inside a church.

“I wrote this song to say everything I feel for you,” the subject said to the woman.

Commissioner Buzolin pointed out that “due to the number of wounds, everything suggests that it was a crime motivated by some feeling. We need to wait for the forensic examination, the report is not complete, but, according to the images, there were more than 10 stab wounds. “It shows that there was a feeling of rage, some feeling motivated the crime.”

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/le-propuso-matrimonio-a-su-novia-en-una-iglesia-y-una-semana-despues-la-habria-matado-rg10

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