The authorities raised the death toll to four this Sunday due to heavy rainsin France after two lifeless bodies were discovered inside a vehicle in the town of Goudargues, Gard department, where they were searching for two women reported missing since this morning.

Rescue teams continue to search for the four remaining missing persons, all of them in the southeast of the country, in the department of Gard and Ardèche and among whom are two minors, aged 4 and 13, along with their father.
The first fatality reported due to bad weather was an 80-year-old fisherman, swallowed this Sunday by the tide on the island of Ré, on the west coast of the country.

Next, The Gard Government delegation reported the discovery of the body of a Belgian citizen, about 60 years old, whose vehicle was hit by the current of water. while trying to cross a bridge with his SUV, even though the authorities had prohibited its use. The man was accompanied by another occupant who was able to escape from the car and be rescued after spending two hours sheltering in the branches of a tree.

The authorities have not confirmed the identity of the latest fatalities, although it is suspected that they are two women, aged 47 and 50. The two had notified the rescue teams early this Sunday while crossing a bridge that was flooded. Both headed to Spain, although, as the Gard Government delegation clarified to EFE, they do not have nationality from that country.

Firefighters are still searching for three people in the Dions area of ​​Gard, among which are the two minors and their father, and a man who was lost track of in Saint-Martin-de-Valama in Ardèche.

The departments of Gard and Ardéche are affected by storm Monica, characterized by its torrential rains that are expected to subside during this day.

Four helicopters, drones and 300 firefightersThey are mobilized in search and rescue operations in this area of ​​the country. Meanwhile, the French Atlantic coast is under the influence of an atmospheric depression other than Storm Monica.

The western coast, which runs from the Spanish border of the Basque Country to Brittany, is on alert due to waves and sudden tides. which, for now, have claimed the life of the 80-year-old fisherman.


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