OYemen’s Shiite Houthi rebels vowed on Saturday to deliver an “effective response” to Israel’s attack on the port of Hodeida, a Yemeni city occupied by the extremist movement.

“Our stand for the support and victory of the Palestinian people stems from our principles, beliefs and religion. We will not waver or back down. We will continue this support, God willing, and there will be more significant attacks on our enemy,” the Houthi Supreme Political Council said in a statement quoted by Al Jazeera news agency.

The attack in Hodeida claimed by Israel was a response to a Houthi drone strike in Tel Aviv that killed one person. “Today we have said enough,” the Israeli military’s international spokesman Nadav Shoshani said on X (formerly Twitter).

“The fire that is currently raging in Yemen is visible throughout the Middle East. The first time the Houthis have harmed an Israeli citizen, we have attacked them. We will do so wherever necessary,” said Minister Yoav Gallant, who this morning approved the bombing of Hodeida, on the Red Sea coast, a day after a rebel drone killed an Israeli civilian in Tel Aviv.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu followed Saturday’s attacks live, along with Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi and Gallant, who added that the Houthis had attacked Israel “more than 200 times” in recent months.

“The blood of Israeli citizens has a price. This has been made clear in Lebanon, Gaza, Yemen and elsewhere: if they dare to attack us, the result will be the same,” he threatened.

The Israeli military has released a video of F-15 fighter jets, allegedly before they took off for the attack in Yemen.

On social media, hundreds of users posted videos showing the planes flying over the Red Sea, filmed from the city of Eilat, in southern Israel.

The Houthis confirmed that Israeli jets bombed oil depots and the power plant in the port city of Hodeida, where the Houthi Health Ministry said there were “dead and wounded”.

“A brutal Israeli aggression against Yemen targeted civilian facilities, oil depots and the power plant in Al Hodeida (…) to prevent us from supporting Gaza, which is a dream that will not come true,” insurgent spokesman Mohamed Abdelsalam said on his official X social media account (formerly Twitter).

Read Also: Israel admits new attacks in Yemen (and Houthis indicate fatalities)

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2601825/hutis-prometem-resposta-eficaz-a-ataque-israelita-no-iemen

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