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If the filling for the galette des rois is rather simple to prepare, the puff pastry can be tricky, especially when cooking! It does not always behave as we would like and can in particular swell too much, which makes it much less appetizing. Choice and thickness of the dough, oven temperature, cooking time, here is everything you need to know to make a successful galette des rois. And if you’re looking for more recipes for galettes and brioches des rois, go to our dedicated page!
To make a frangipane galette, you obviously need puff pastry. And its quality is very important! Avoid low prices and products containing palm oil and additives, and opt for a “pure butter” dough, preferably artisanal (you can order it from your baker or make it yourself), avoiding industrial doughs, which sometimes tend to swell too much during cooking.
Spread your pasta evenly to ensure even cooking. If the thickness is not the same across the entire surface, you risk seeing the dough rise unevenly.
Another tip, when you have rolled out the first puff pastry, remember to prick it lightly with the tines of a fork before spreading the almond cream. This will prevent it from expanding too much while cooking. Also remember to moisten the edges of the bottom pastry using a brush before sealing the two crusts. Last tip, make a small chimney on the top of the pancake before putting it in the oven, to allow the steam to escape and thus prevent the pancake from swelling too much in the center or on the sides.
It is best to start cooking in a hot oven (around 200°C) for the first few minutes, before lowering the temperature to 180°C. This way, you will obtain a nice golden brown color and you will prevent the dough from swelling too much and too quickly. Be aware that a temperature that is too high or too low will cause slightly uncontrolled swelling!
Don’t hesitate, from time to time, to take a look at your oven. If you notice uneven swelling, lightly pierce the most puffy part of the dough with the tip of a knife. This will allow air to escape and prevent the dough from expanding too much.