Traveling to Africa to experience a safari is a dream for many adventurers. Getting to know parks like the Serengeti or the diversity of the Kruger National ParkThis activity offers an opportunity to connect with nature. We provide you with an approximate budget for this experience.

Cost of flights from Colombia to Africa

Round trip flights

Prices for round-trip flights from Bogota to popular destinations in Africa, such as Johannesburg, Nairobi or Cairo, vary considerably. On average, A trip to this country can cost between $3,000,000 and $7,000,000 COP. It is advisable to book in advance and keep an eye out for offers to get the best prices.

Cost of safari in Africa

Types of safaris and prices

African safaris come in a variety of prices. A basic tour can cost from $100 USD (approximately $400,000 COP) per day, while a luxury one can exceed $1,000 USD (approximately $4,000,000 COP) per day.These prices include transportation, guides and, in some cases, accommodation and meals.


Accommodation in Africa can also vary depending on your preferences. You can opt for budget camps or luxurious lodges. Getting a basic one can cost around $150,000 COP per nightwhile luxury places can exceed $1,000,000 COP per night. The diet also depends on what you are looking for, but a daily budget of $100,000 COP should be enough to cover basic meals.

Other expenses to consider

In addition to the international flight, you may need internal flights or ground transportation to reach the nature reserves. These costs may vary, but it is recommended to budget approximately $500 USD additional for internal transportation during your stay.

Visas, travel insurance and vaccinations

Don’t forget to consider expenses such as travel insurance, vaccinations and visas. Travel insurance can cost around $300,000 COP. Necessary vaccinations, such as yellow fever, may be free, as is a tourist visa.


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