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When the good weather arrives, some changes are felt in the kitchen. Leeks have given way to tomatoes, fruits and vegetables ripen faster… and midges have made their appearance. How to get rid of these tiny unwanted visitors once and for all? We finally have the answer!

Generally attracted to ripe or rotting fruit, these little insects lay their eggs there. The larvae then have to hatch and feast on the flesh of the fruit. However, the fruit basket is not their only favorite place because they also like to take up residence in warm and humid places such as our pipes.

How can we finally keep them away from our homes? Here is the long-awaited answer!

As mentioned above, midges and other small insects are attracted to leftover food, especially fruit. So remember to empty your trash regularly, seal the bags tightly to avoid odors that could attract them, and clean your sink often. If there are small food residues in there, you can be sure that midges are not far away. To effectively clean your pipes, use a mixture of white vinegar, bicarbonate of soda, and boiling water. It doesn’t get more effective!

Then, some plants like lavender, basil, peppermint or geranium act as natural repellents. So place a few of these plants in your kitchen, or a few essential oils in your trash. Cloves are also excellent for blocking unwanted insects. Place one in a lemon cut in half in your fruit basket and say goodbye to them for good!

Finally, if all this is not enough, you can easily make homemade coins by placing wine or vinegar in a bowl. Add a little dishwashing liquid, mix well and let the magic happen. The midges will inevitably be attracted to the vinegar but will end up stuck in the dishwashing liquid. This will effectively get rid of them!


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