Suggested video 12 recipe ideas to prepare in September!
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It’s not always easy to convince your children to enjoy a pan of zucchini in addition to the fries to accompany their ground beef, to serve them a fruit salad instead of a doughnut, or to make them understand that they don’t need the same portions as adults. To help parents, the Ministry of Health is launching a major information campaign. Here are the contents.
Santé Publique France is concerned and is warning! Several studies show that children’s eating habits are far from being in line with the recommendations of the PNNS (National Nutrition and Health Program). Thus, barely 25% of children aged 6 to 10 eat enough fruit and vegetables, while more than 75% consume too much sugar. Figures that make you shudder!
Faced with this observation, Santé Publique France has published a list of recommendations concerning the diet of children aged 4 to 11. Because, justifies Anne-Juliette Serry, head of the nutrition and physical activity unit at Santé Publique France, “Dietary recommendations for children aged 4 to 11 may be subject to some lack of awareness or preconceived ideas“.
In practice, Santé Publique France advises getting children used to eating fruits and vegetables every day. They will then be more likely to reach the famous recommended portion of “5 fruits and vegetables per day” as adults. And it’s far from being a punishment! The variety of fruits and vegetables, the diversity of preparations and recipes are so important that it’s a safe bet that each parent will find recipes that their dear little ones will appreciate!
Be careful not to give too much fruit juice, however. Too sweet and low in fiber, they are no substitute for fresh fruit. It is therefore recommended not to exceed half a glass per day. Something to think about at snack time!
Another recommendation is to limit industrial biscuits, which are too fatty, too sweet (and often full of additives) and prefer a simple snack, based on bread, butter, jam or a few squares of chocolate, without forgetting a fruit and a dairy product. Remember that for children and teenagers, 3 dairy products per day are recommended, to meet calcium intake.
Finally, Santé Publique France reminds us that the portions given to children should in no case be the same as those given to teenagers or adults. For example, a 6-year-old child will have to make do with half a steak or an egg instead of two for an adult.