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If you are one of those who never know what to eat for lunch, this quick and delicious recipe is for you! The best part: it only takes a few minutes, a muffin pan and 5 ingredients to make it. If your children like to cook, making this recipe can also be a great time to share. What are we waiting for to get started?

While their primary use is to hold delicious muffin batter, these small circular molds can have many other uses. For example, you can place a few spoonfuls of already cooked dough, a little béchamel sauce and grated cheese in each mold. After cooking, you will obtain a sort of express mac & cheese. Another idea: line the bottom of the molds with phyllo dough to create a little nest and pour in your leftovers. Chicken curry, ratatouille, meat in sauce, everything goes! Here is an original idea to stop throwing away!

Finally, you can also use it to easily dress your dishes. So, arrange slices of raw ham in the molds as you wish, place everything in the oven and magic! The ham will keep its pretty shape and you can garnish it as you wish with melon balls, watermelon or mozzarella.


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