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Suggested video 12 recipe ideas to prepare in September!

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We’ve all made the mistake of overcooking our pasta a few minutes. The result: soft, sticky pasta, far from the al dente texture we were hoping for. Rather than throwing them in the trash, there is a simple solution to save them and give your pasta a better consistency. Explanations.

This miracle ingredient is none other than…olive oil ! Present in almost every kitchen, it is not only used to season or cook your food. It also improves the texture of overcooked pasta. Indeed, olive oil has the particularity of preventing the pasta from sticking together while giving it a beautiful shine and a pleasant flavor. Unlike other fats, it does not solidify and perfectly coats each strand of dough. Which makes them more appetizing.

To fix overcooked pasta with olive oil, start by draining it thoroughly. Rinse it quickly under boiling, not cold, water to do not remove excess starch. Next, add your drained pasta to a large bowl. Now pour in the olive oil generously. You can also pour some into a hot pan and place the overcooked pasta. The latter will not only prevent the pasta from sticking together, but it will also give it a slight crispiness if you let it cook for a few more minutes. It will become firmer. You can garnish it with fresh herbs, parmesan, or even a little garlic to enhance the flavor. Enjoy your food !


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